Sweet Sixteen

Today she drove away. Not for good, thankfully. She was off to soccer practice, followed by an 8-hour shift at work. She’s a busy kid, between sports, babysitting, her job at Subway, and hanging out at the horse barn. Throw in a knee surgery and weekly physical therapy appointments, and let’s just say this girl’s shiny new driver’s license brings as much freedom for her … Continue reading Sweet Sixteen

Nuestras Vacaciones Familiares

A few years ago we got passports for the kids, but our first international family vacation was cancelled due to Covid. We had grand plans to visit a friend in Switzerland, followed by a few weeks in Spain and France. Instead, we stayed home… just like everyone else on the planet. It turned into a long Alaskan winter, especially with no escape for a year … Continue reading Nuestras Vacaciones Familiares