Holiday Highlights

Ahhhh, holidays. The time of year we happily trade the hustle and bustle of everyday life for a different kind of crazy. It’s magical madness: a season where the refrigerator is always full and the mailbox is never empty. We silence our alarm clocks and turn on the Christmas music. We shop, wrap, decorate, bake, host, visit. Santa makes his naughty and nice list, while … Continue reading Holiday Highlights

Branching Out

My friend Nancy has a way of drawing me waaaaay out of my comfort zone. In hindsight, this has been going on for nearly two decades. Exhibit A: In our pre-kid days we spent a leisurely afternoon hiking the Winner Creek trail in Girdwood, only to cap it off by spontaneously launching ourselves off Mt. Alyeska in tandem paragliders. I wish I had better photos, … Continue reading Branching Out

Best Bagels, Best Teachers

I vividly remember the first time I stumbled across a quote by George Bernard Shaw:  “He who can does; he who cannot, teaches.” Boy did that ruffle my non-existent feathers.  I wanted to peck his little Nobel Prize to pieces. I’ve been in education for over 20 years, and here’s what I know to be true: Teachers find self worth by sharing knowledge, not attaining … Continue reading Best Bagels, Best Teachers

Boat Log 9: Boxlers on Board!

We took a day trip with the Boxlers on a gloriously calm, sunny Sunday.  We hit the 10:30 tunnel to Whittier, along with many other people.  There were long lines at the launch!  We were also surprised that all the fee stations now took credit cards instead of cash envelopes.  It’s still $20 to launch/retrieve. We headed to the rookerie to look at birds before … Continue reading Boat Log 9: Boxlers on Board!

I Heart Chugach: Rabbit Lakes

Last week was all about hiking, and the grand finale was an 8.8 round trip hike to Rabbit Lakes.  The more I explore new trails in the Chugach National Forest, the more I understand why so many people slap “I Heart Chugach” bumper stickers on their Subarus. Summers like this make me wonder why the entire planet isn’t migrating to Alaska. There is an infinite … Continue reading I Heart Chugach: Rabbit Lakes

Gratitude Day 3: The Gift of Hatcher Pass

“Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in a while, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.”  ~John Muir, Alaska Days With John Muir, 1915 A few weeks ago I asked my dear friend Nancy, “If we could do anything to celebrate your birthday, what would it be?” It took her a few days to answer honestly, but … Continue reading Gratitude Day 3: The Gift of Hatcher Pass